
Zip Now London Innovating online Bookings with TicketingHub

This case study explores how Zip Now London, a leading zipline activity business in London, transformed its booking experience and guest satisfaction by partnering with TicketingHub. Discover how the integration of TicketingHub's online booking system for zipline activities and dynamic pricing features helped them overcome obstacles and grow.

Az ügyfélről

Zip most

see the london view when you zip with zip now
  • Location: London, Europe
  • Industry: Zipline Activity
  • Offering: Offers thrilling zipline experiences to adventurers and tourists in London, offering great views over the city. If you’re trying to cross an activity off your bucket list, Zip Now is a must-try.
Nem található elem.


A kihívás

Before using TicketingHub, ZIP NOW LONDON faced several challenges:

  • Struggled to effectively sell zipline tickets.
  • Needed to attract more customers, especially during off-peak seasons.
  • Required a more streamlined booking process, including digital waivers, for a smoother customer experience.


A megoldás

Setting up with TicketingHub was relatively easy, allowing ZIP NOW LONDON to quickly start benefiting from the new system. Here is the comprehensive solution delivered by our booking software solution for zipline activities.

software mockup of ticketinghub features
Dashboard features of TicketingHub: live availability calendar, staff access management, integrated reports and analytics. Manage all your bookings across multiple sales channels in one dashboard solution.
  • Online Booking Integration: Enabled customers to easily purchase tickets directly from the ZIP NOW LONDON website. This simplified the ticket purchasing process and increased online sales.
  • Dynamic Pricing Implementation: Allowed ZIP NOW LONDON to adjust ticket prices based on the season. This way, the company ensured consistent sales even during off-peak times.
  • Digital Waivers: Introduced a seamless booking experience by allowing customers to sign waivers digitally. As a result, less paperwork is needed on-site, and customer satisfaction improves.


zip now using ticketinghubs online booking widget
On Zip Now's booking site, the TicketingHub widget is positioned on the left side.

  • Streamlined Online Ticket Sales: Now able to sell and manage tickets online efficiently.
  • Unified Booking System: Managed payments and ticket pricing changes within a single system.
  • Increased Customer Engagement: Customers responded positively to seasonal discounts, such as the popular 50% off sales.
  • Enhanced Customer Service: Staff could focus more on providing excellent customer service rather than handling manual bookings on-site.

Experience the Transformation: Try TicketingHub Demo Today!

Ready to transform your ticket sales and enhance customer experience like ZIP NOW LONDON? Here’s why you should try TicketingHub:

  • User-Friendly Online Booking System: Simplifies the online booking process, making it easier for your customers to buy tickets directly from your website, boosting your online sales.
  • Dynamic Pricing Optimization: You can adjust ticket prices according to season and demand, ensuring steady sales and maximizing revenue even during off-peak times.
  • Seamless Digital Waivers: Enhances the booking experience by allowing customers to sign waivers digitally, reducing on-site paperwork and improving operational efficiency.
  • Integrated System Management: Manages all aspects of ticket sales, payments, and pricing changes within a single, unified system, streamlining your operations.
  • Enhanced Customer Service: Frees up your staff to focus on providing exceptional customer service, rather than handling manual bookings on-site.

Try a TicketingHub demo for free today and discover how our innovative solutions can help your business thrive and grow, just like ZIP NOW LONDON. Get ready to enhance your operations and impress your customers!

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Operátorok bizalma és Szerelme TicketingHub

Visszajelzések Capterra honlapján

Az egyik legjobb rendszer a vállalataim igényeinek kielégítésére.

Összességében felbecsülhetetlen értékű eszköz és rendszer volt a vállalkozásom számára, és segített nekünk mind a növekedésben, mind a terjeszkedésben. Évek óta használjuk a Ticketinghubot, mert rendszerük tökéletesen illeszkedik a jegyek globális értékesítésével kapcsolatos igényeinkhez.
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Ez a jegyrendszer nagyon sokoldalú, és szinte bármit megtesz, amire gondolhat. Kivételes ügyfélszolgálattal rendelkeznek, és úgy tűnik, hogy név szerint ismerik ügyfeleiket, így ha egyáltalán bármilyen problémája van, csak hívjon fel nekik, és rendezze azt.
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