
From Local to Global: Secret Food Tours Now Thrives in 60 Cities Worldwide with TicketingHub's Seamless Booking Solution

In this case study, we explore how Secret Food Tours, the world's largest food tour company, overcame significant challenges to streamline operations and boost sales. With TicketingHub's innovative booking software, they achieved seamless global expansion and remarkable efficiency.

Az ügyfélről

Titkos ételtúrák

Secret Food Tours is the largest food tour company globally, offering delightful culinary experiences in 60 cities around the world. Founded by Oliver Mernick-Levene, the company is renowned for its unique and immersive food tours that cater to food enthusiasts and travelers alike.

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A kihívás

Before partnering with TicketingHub, Secret Food Tours faced several challenges:

  • Global Operations: "We are global, we're in 60 cities. We needed some reservation technology that would allow us to operate in all of those different cities with different currencies," said Oliver.
  • Diverse Pricing and Timelines: The company required a booking system capable of handling “different pricing and different timelines and work seamlessly throughout” different regions.
  • Customer Service: Oliver stated, "Others would leave us hanging for a long time", disrupting their workflow.

“There weren't many res-tech companies we could see that would do that.”, and that’s until this food tour company met TicketingHub.


A megoldás

Secret Food Tours found TicketingHub's booking system for tours to be an all-in-one solution for their challenges:

  • Ease of Use: "What we love most about TicketingHub is its ease of use," Oliver noted. The platform's intuitive design made it simple to set up new products and open new cities quickly.
  • Competitive Pricing: Oliver emphasized, "It's the most competitive price out there." The affordability of TicketingHub allowed for cost-effective expansion.
  • Excellent Customer Service: "The customer service is fantastic. Every time we need help, they're straight to respond to us," Oliver praised.
  • Seamless Integration: TicketingHub's ability to work across different regions and technologies enabled smooth operations worldwide.
  • Increased Sales and Revenue: "Using TicketingHub has allowed us to generate more sales, which in turn has allowed us to make a lot more money quicker," Oliver explained


“Since we've been a customer, lots of things have changed. We've been with the system for more than 5 to 6 years, and every time we've needed to use it to scale up, to sell more tickets or to become more streamlined, it's been the perfect solution for us. We do. We have looked at other systems, but this is by far the most economical, and I would recommend it to anyone, whether they're small, multi-city, or global like we are. We think it is definitely the best res-tech out there!”- Oliver

Join Successful Tour Operators - Get Started with TicketingHub Today!

Ready to transform your tour operations with the best booking software in the industry? Experience the ease of use, competitive pricing, and exceptional customer service that Secret Food Tours loves. Get a TicketingHub demo today! Join the many satisfied clients who have streamlined their operations and boosted their sales with TicketingHub.

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Operátorok bizalma és Szerelme TicketingHub

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