
Movie & TV Tours Reservation Software

Experience the ease of booking Movie & TV Tours with Ticketinghub, your reliable tour operator software. Our online booking platform is not only user-friendly but also versatile, allowing you to manage ticket sales and tour guide allocations effortlessly. With mobile capabilities, exploring movie locations and securing spots for Central Park TV tours is just a click away. Get your business moving with Ticketinghub now!

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Streamline movie & TV tour bookings

For coffee and tea tour operators, our specialized booking software enhances direct online reservations, attendee management, and distribution.

foglalási widget, pénztár folyamat
We've got a 24/7 booking widget that makes it easy to book and process payments.

Get more bookings

  • Direct bookings are easier with a widget tailored to your brand.
  • Just one line of code to integrate seamlessly into your CMS - suitable for your homepage or booking page.
  • Convert more visitors and boost loyalty with a 5-step booking process.
  • Multiple currencies and payment methods.
booking sales, resellers login
Provide resellers with a login portal to manage their tours.

Get 80% more bookings with resellers and affiliate links

  • Increase farm tour bookings by 80% through affiliate links.
  • Provide resellers with a white-labeled widget and login portal to manage coffee and tea tours.
  • Növelje elérését azáltal, hogy bemutatja túraszakaszait az OTA-kon, például a Get Your Guide, a TripAdvisor, a Klook és az Airbnb Experiences oldalakon.
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A mi házi recept a siker

We're here to streamline tour and attraction workflows. Our movie and TV tour reservation software and platforms are meticulously crafted for industry operators in the travel sector, slashing up to 80% off customer inquiries and backend inefficiencies.

customer information,CRM
Keep customer information secure with CRM integration.

Spend less time on calls

  • Our intuitive magic link allows travelers to reschedule, cancel, or convert movie & TV tour bookings.
  • Send tour reminders automatically with our messaging tool, ensuring everyone is prepared and thrilled.
  • Validate traveler emails during the reservation process to avert invalid bookings.
incomplete bookings, follow up reminders
Save on incomplete checkouts with automated cart reminders.

Effective marketing strategies

  • Make sure every reservation is locked in with abandoned cart reminders. We send follow-up emails to enthusiasts who leave their bookings incomplete.
  • When tours are fully booked, accommodate guests on a waiting list.
  • Amplify your online visibility in movie & TV tour bookings by initiating automated feedback requests from participants.
dashboard, sales report, availability calendar
A single dashboard for all your management necessities.

Be in control  

  • A foglalási platformokon keresztül határozza meg és állítsa be a rendelkezésre álló résidőket.
  • Avert overbookings with real-time data on a cloud platform.
  • Figyelje az elérhetőséget minden csatornán, hogy tájékozott maradjon.
CRM, integráció
Get to know your customers better and segment them in CRM.

Az élmény személyre szabása

  • Offer dedicated movie and TV aficionados a superior experience with CRM.
  • Afford participants a straightforward method to modify their bookings, reducing customer queues and interaction.
  • Encourage post-tour reviews by encouraging visitors to write them.
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ticketinghub a

Film és TV túrák

Ticketinghub funkciók

  • Elérhetőségi naptár
  • Többszörös pénznem
  • Adatexportálás
  • Részletes jelentés
  • Csapatmenedzsment
  • Teljesítménybeli értesítések
  • Üzenetközvetítés
  • Központi Beérkezett üzenetek
  • Ügyfélkapcsolatok
Három különböző alakzat fekete-fehér fotója

Boosting Ticket Sales by 500% through Innovative Reservation Software

Managing ticket bookings efficiently and improving customer experiences were challenges for the Misr Company for Sound and Light, which orchestrates spectacular shows at Egypt's archaeological wonders. With TicketingHub, their online ticket sales increased 500%, addressing their unique needs. As well as providing detailed analytics and a centralized management system, the software enabled strategic selling of their shows, provided an exceptional customer checkout experience, and scaled their business.
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Designed for tour operators, our intuitive movie and TV tour reservation software caters to the unique needs of these entertainment-focused excursions.

It excels at organizing tour participants and simplifying online reservations across mobile devices and various sales platforms. In return, it boosts revenue and ensures an unmatched Movie & TV tour experience every time.

Make your guests' movie location tours unforgettable.

Enhance ticketing and tour management  

Online and in-person movie & TV tour reservations are effortless with our software.

Say goodbye to outdated manual ticketing systems and welcome our cloud-based solution.

Every step of the way, whether organizing one-day movie location tours, exclusive TV set experiences, or promoting early bird bookings, our software ensures tourists have an excellent tour experience.

Streamlined inventory management  

Make movie & TV tours smoother with our integrated platform. With our software, you can create online and on-site tickets, customize ticket categories, monitor bookings, and offer special promotions all in one place.

Secure a booking solution that amplifies revenue and retains customers.

Sell movie set tour tickets on your website and enable visitors to book online.

Customized insights and data analysis  

A data-driven approach to planning is crucial for effective tourism. Our movie & TV tour booking software provides detailed analytics and reports on ticket sales, tourist behavior, and more.

Zökkenőmentesen integrálódunk a Google Search Console-lal, a Google Analytics-szel és a Facebook Pixelrel.

Identify the optimal times to book tours and devise strategies to enhance income and tour bookings.

Integrated POS system

We feature POS integration that simplifies in-person selling, synchronizing each sale with online bookings.

További szakértői tanácsokat talál a TicketingHub blogon:

how to, booking website
how to, google things to do, marketing
blog, online booking system
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Gyakran Ismételt Kérdések

1. What Should I Focus on When Choosing TV Tours Booking Software for NYC Tours?

When choosing TV tour booking software, especially for iconic New York City locations, ensure the service offers features like real-time availability, dynamic pricing, and robust reporting. Integration with platforms like the "New York Pass" can help customers discover and book tours effortlessly. It should also support easy bookings to popular spots like the Plaza Hotel, as featured in movies like "The Great Gatsby."

2. How Can Reservation Software Make Operating NYC Movie Locations Tours More Efficient?

Reservation software for movie locations in New York City streamlines operations by centralizing bookings, payment processing, and communication. With automated features, companies can reduce manual errors, ensuring customers pay for and receive complete information about tours. Through insights into booking patterns, you can tailor tours to fit NYC visitors' expectations. This includes those wanting to visit famous scenes from their favorite TV shows.

3. How Can Tour Operator Software Support TV Movie Tours in NYC?

Tour operator software provides comprehensive support for managing TV movie location tours in NYC. The software ensures smooth scheduling, preventing overbooking and offering insights from customer reviews. This holistic approach helps businesses discover new ways to refine and improve their tours.

4. How Does Tour Scheduling Software Enhance the NYC Booking Experience?

NYC tour scheduling software offers a transparent booking process with clear pricing, real-time availability, and secure online payment options. It enables tourists from all over the world to explore and book various tours easily. Automated confirmations and reminders complete the service, ensuring guests have all the details they need for their visit.

5. How Can Booking Software Boost Reservations for My NYC Movie Locations Tour?

Implementing tour reservation software for NYC tours increases visibility, allowing you to showcase films' locations and integrate with social media. Offering exclusive events or bundled packages, like a "hop-on" tour of NYC filming locations, or a breakfast visit to the Plaza Hotel featured in many movies, can attract more guests. Emphasizing free or discounted offerings can also increase bookings.

6. How Can I Effectively Start a NYC Movie and TV Tour Business?

Starting a movie and TV tour business in NYC requires online booking software to manage operations and offer top-notch customer service. For instance, include detailed tours exploring locations from "Gossip Girl" or "The Great Gatsby" around Wollman Rink and the Plaza Hotel.

Engage with customers using photos from the tours, focus on targeted marketing strategies, and offer unique experiences like night tours of the city's most famous movie scenes.

Tips for NYC Movie & TV Tours:

  • Integrate packages with the New York Pass to streamline how customers book. This provides them with access to a plethora of tour options. It also positions you as the go-to operation for discovering iconic movie spots, such as those filmed in Manhattan.
  • Emphasize iconic locations from popular movies. For instance, the Plaza Hotel is not just known for numerous films and TV shows but also as the scene where Harry met Sally. Offer exclusive tours highlighting such iconic moments, allowing tourists to relive them.
  • Ensure that Wollman Rink is a key stop on your tour. As a renowned location filmed in numerous movies, showcasing its significance can enhance your tour's appeal.
  • Encourage customers to book in advance, especially for limited access or special events. This can ensure smoother operation and better scheduling.
  • With the increasing number of tourists from different parts of the country, consider developing or collaborating on dedicated apps. These apps can provide photos, scene details, and interactive features to elevate the touring experience.
  • Given that the memorable scene where Harry met Sally was filmed in Manhattan, ensure your tours touch such significant moments. It can be a selling point.
  • Diversify your tours. Whether it's a detailed exploration of Manhattan, where movies like "Harry Met Sally" were filmed, or a quick "hop-on, hop-off" experience, catering to a broad range of preferences is essential for successful operation.
  • Consider partnering with local establishments, like banks, to offer exclusive deals or packages. This can fill up your tour slots faster and provide additional value for tourists.
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Megszüntettük a papír alapú nyilvántartásokat, a papír alapú utalványokat és az üzemanyag-kilométereket a papíralapú utalványok kézbesítése miatt. A postaköltségek és a nyomtatási költségek megtakarítását is továbbadtuk. rep és csapata fáradhatatlanul dolgozott azon, hogy a rendszert a weboldalunkon is bevezessék.

Egy fekete pólós férfi mosolyog

Rob C.

Bor és szeszes italok

Nagyszerű, rugalmas, nagyszerű támogatással a csapattól!

Ingyenes gyalogos túrákat szervezek, és segítenek nekem abban, hogy online foglalhassak a weboldalunkon keresztül. A rendszer nagyon rugalmas, és a csapat segített némi testreszabásban, hogy pontosan megfeleljen az igényeimnek. Nagyszerű segítséget nyújtott a csapat. Nagyon elégedett vagyok velük.

Egy narancssárga pólós férfi mosolyog

Daniel B.


Vásárlói fókusz!

Első és legelső, a TicketingHub ügyfél szolgáltatás csapat van nagyszerű-mindig elérhető segíteni neki és a mottó: nem kérdés van túl néma! A szoftver maga is nagy, nagyon intuitív, egy egyszerű, mégis hatékony felületet, amely lehetővé teszi számunkra, hogy eladja termékeinket, csináld meg a upselling, kapcsolatba keresztül API-t a mi preferált szállítók és használata több fizetési feldolgozók is.

Egy fehér inges nő áll egy épület előtt.

Alex P.

Szabadidő, utazás és turizmus

Operátorok bizalma és Szerelme TicketingHub

Visszajelzések Capterra honlapján

Absolutley Nagy

Ez a jegyrendszer nagyon sokoldalú, és szinte bármit megtesz, amire gondolhat. Kivételes ügyfélszolgálattal rendelkeznek, és úgy tűnik, hogy név szerint ismerik ügyfeleiket, így ha egyáltalán bármilyen problémája van, csak hívjon fel nekik, és rendezze azt.
Lukács E
2019. június 25.

Vásárlói fókusz!

Az első és legfontosabb, hogy a TicketingHub ügyfélszolgálati csapata kiváló - mindig rendelkezésre áll, hogy segítsen, és a mottó: nincs kérdés túl hülye!
Alex P
2019. június 18.

Az egyik legjobb rendszer a vállalataim igényeinek kielégítésére.

Összességében felbecsülhetetlen értékű eszköz és rendszer volt a vállalkozásom számára, és segített nekünk mind a növekedésben, mind a terjeszkedésben. Évek óta használjuk a Ticketinghubot, mert rendszerük tökéletesen illeszkedik a jegyek globális értékesítésével kapcsolatos igényeinkhez.
Oliver M
2019. június 20.


Árképzési modellünk a lehető legátláthatóbb. Nincsenek rejtett díjak, nincsenek kötöttségek. Csak a sikeres eladásokért fizet, amelyeket feldolgozunk Önnek.